* Ker-Ching - 100% Exam Distinction Rate * See Below
* New Teaching Facilities Open in Ackworth and Darrington
* Call or email us now - 01977 797422 - [email protected]
After what seems a very long time, we will once again be receiving students for in person lessons from Monday 12th April. All students, with the exception of singing and woodwind students, will now have the option of attending in person or taking lessons online. With only a few exceptions, no change will be required to the timetable whether you to attend in person of continue to take lessons online for now. You also have the option to take the occasional lesson online if you need to, say for instance if you have a cold or are told to isolate. Just let us know if you need to switch from live to remote lessons if you need to.
Don’t forget, it’s as important as ever that we continue to do our utmost to keep each other safe, so just when we opened last autumn, strict rules apply to access, handwashing, and masks are a must.
Congratulations to everyone for sticking with the practice, and wew look forward to seeing you again soon.